July 12, 2017

Board Meeting Minutes

Minutes July 12, 2017 Page 3586

The regular meeting of the Village of Divernon Board of Trustees was held on Wednesday July 12, 2017 at the Divernon Village Hall. Mayor Jim Copelin called the meeting to order at 5:00 p.m. After the Pledge of Allegiance was recited by all in attendance, Clerk Rod Molnar called roll: Jim Copelin “Here”, Daryl Spelman “Here”, Larry Baer “Here”, Derek Hedges “Here”, Dianne Brenning “Here”. Also in attendance were Police Chief Barclay Harris, Treasurer Christine Nichols and Superintendent Jeremy Rhodes. Melissa Layton arrived at 5:05 p.m. Wayne Jones arrived at 5:25 p.m.

A motion was made by Baer and seconded by Hedges to approve the minutes of June 28, 2017. The motion passed 4-0 with the Mayor voting. Brenning voting present.

Brenning presented the bills with a motion that they be approved. Baer seconded, and the motion carried 5-0.


Attorney David Reid of the Reid Law firm was in attendance to make a presentation. The Board continues interviewing prospective law firms.

The Board interviewed Jeff Allen for the part time summer position. The other candidate was unable to attend. Due to the dry weather and there is currently no grass to mow, the Board tabled this item.

Supervisors Reports:

Public Works:

Superintendent Rhodes reported on a number of items. Lindsay Enloe of USDI has made the annual cathodic protection survey of the natural gas system. The clutch is out of the flatbed truck and needs to be repaired. Rhodes suggested taking the money made from the sale of the bucket truck to replace the clutch. The backhoe is scheduled to be repaired and returned tomorrow. The EPA permit for the water project has not yet been received. The new sewer pumps are scheduled to arrive on Monday.


Chief Harris will have a final draft of the peddlers and solicitors ordinance prepared to vote on at the next meeting. He has been sending some notices out on residences that need to be cleaned up. He gave an update on the 2000 Jeep that the Village had received from a drug forfeiture.

Committee Reports:

Zoning, TIF, Building Permits:

Hedges reported that he had spoken with a representative from EPA. He should have a decision on the core samples at the gas station no later than August 18, 2017. Layton will speak with Jason Rhodes about the condition of the pavilion in the Village Park and what can be done.

Public Utilities, Water, Sewer and Gas:

A discussion was held on budget billing. It was agreed that changes needed to be made to the program. Copelin and Jones will work on the changes.

Minutes July 12, 2017 Page 3587

Finance, Personnel, GIS:

Treasurer Nichols gave the Board a detailed report on the Village’s finances. Included were explanations of all of the funds along with their income and expenses. She also went over the Appropriation Ordinance, the Tax Levy Ordinance and the Certified Estimated of Revenues.

Public Safety, Health and Safety:

Copelin and Layton will get together on making changes to the Village’s website. Copelin advised the Board on an electronic recycling program. It would be a one day event in which residents could bring in electronic recyclables for drop off. Details will be forthcoming.

Public Works, Streets, Alleys and Sidewalks:

Nothing to report.

Building Grounds and Lights, Parks, Recreation:

Spelman reported he is still waiting on getting bids on the replacement of the door into the Police Department. Grace Price has not yet begun cleaning the Village Hall.

Old Business:


New Business:

A motion was made Hedges and seconded by Jones to approve Ordinance 2017-006. The ordinance is to approve an Intergovernmental Agreement with the Illinois Risk Management Association. The motion passed 6-0.

Molnar reported that he has been contacted by Sangamon County Clerk Don Gray. Gray has offered to bring staff to the Village Hall for anyone that would like to conduct county business on September 13, 2017 from 11:00 to 1:00. The Board instructed Molnar to make the necessary arrangements.

Motion by Spelman to adjourn at 8:23 p.m.

Jim Copelin Rodney Molnar

Village President Village Clerk

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