May 27, 2015

Board Meeting Minutes

Minutes May 27, 2015 Page 3456

The regular meeting of the Village of Divernon Board of Trustees was held on Wednesday, May 27, 2015 at the Divernon Village Hall. Mayor Randy Rhodes called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. After the Pledge of Allegiance was recited by all in attendance, Clerk Rod Molnar called roll: Randy Rhodes “Here”, Melissa Layton “Here”, Larry Baer “Here”, Derek Hedges “Here”. Also in attendance were Police Chief Barclay Harris, Jeremy Rhodes and Superintendent Larry Rhodes. Jim Copelin and Dianne Brenning were absent.

Baer presented the Village bills with a motion that they be approved, after the motion was seconded by Hedges, the motion passed 4-0.

Supervisors Reports:

Public Works:

Retiring Superintendent Larry Rhodes made his final supervisor’s report. He will be on vacation up until the time of his retirement. Larry began working for the Village on June 1, 1985 and became Superintendent a 1 ½ years later. The Board would like to thank Larry for his dedicated service to the Village of Divernon and congratulate him upon his retirement. Rhodes reported that the Consumer Confidence Reports have been sent to Emerson Press for copying and will be mailed out to all water customers. He also brought the board up to date on several pieces of equipment that have required repairs recently. Hedges pointed out that the trees lining Brown Street coming into town have several dead limbs and need some attention. Rhodes suggested hiring a tree service.

Police Report:

Chief Harris requested permission to have new computers installed in two of the squad cars. Hedges made the motion to purchase two computers at a cost of $3600.00 and $400.00 for installation. Baer seconded and the motion was approved 4-0.

Committee Reports:

Streets, Alleys, and Utilities:

A discussion was held concerning utility rates, but no action was taken. L. Rhodes informed the Board the latest on the problems with the smell and taste of the water. The Otter Lake Water Commission is working on the problem. A good rain would help.


The auditors will be here in July to do the annual audit.


L. Rhodes and Ron Killam received certificates from the Illinois Commerce Commission for drug and alcohol training required for natural gas safety.

Health and Safety:

Nothing to report.

Minutes May 27, 2015 Page 3457

Community Development:

R. Rhodes reported that there has been some movement on the closed gas stations on Brown Street. He has spoken with individuals who plan to reopen at least one of the stations There are liens owed to the Village that will need to be paid before the reopening. Layton asked if there are any type of information that could be sent to local businesses that might be interested in applying for TIF funds. Molnar will check into it.

Building Grounds and Lights:

Hedges reported that Pawnee Lumber gave a bid of $2921.90 for fence to go around the equipment at the old recycling area. He will get an estimate on installation costs. Treasurer Christine Nichols and Office Manager Sue Arter attended a webinar for MuniBilling Municipal Billing Software. Nichols would like for her and Arter to visit Fillmore Illinois, who has the software to see and actual demonstration. The Board gave her the ok.

Old Business:

A discussion was held concerning the TIF proposal from David Catlin. A meeting will be set up with Catlin and the Township Tax Accessor before having the TIF attorney give her recommendations on the proposal.

New Business:

Divernon Township requested a building permit to put a sign at the Senior Citizens Center. A motion was made by Layton and seconded by Hedges to approve the permit and waive the fee. The motion passed 4-0.

Rhodes passed out the committee assignments for the new board.
The next Board Meeting will be held on July 17, 2015 at 6:00 p.m. instead of July 10, due to a number of members being on vacation.

Motion by Layton to adjourn at 7:44 p.m.

Randy Rhodes Rodney Molnar

Village President Village Clerk

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